
A Night With Me, Myself and Bipolar Brenda – theSpace @ Symposium Hall

Bipolar UK ambassador Natasha Rea performed solo in this emotive and raw show which was part autobiographical drama and part persuasive monologue. Natasha is a talented actress who cares deeply about how her performance represents and advocates for the bipolar community.

The show detailed the ups and downs of bipolar disorder (BPD) and everything in-between without romanticising the mental health condition. Personal antidote was interlaced with shocking statistics such as people with bipolar disorder are 20 times more likely to commit suicide. As the end approached Natasha made an emotionally driven plea for the audience to help make systemic changes to the Mental Health system through political action. She also urged us to do more for friends and family struggling with their mental health and kickstarted a conversation about mental health between audience members.

Whilst I felt moved by the fact everything in this show had happened to Brenda the stage-lights and acting separated the performance from reality. However, when her son came up on stage at the end of the show and gave her a big hug the realness of the drama really hit me, I fought back tears alongside the rest of the audience. This show was an excellent example of how theatre can be used to raise awareness for Mental Health it was emotional, realistic, and informative. Leaving the show, I turned to my friend (who has BPD) and felt like I understood her experience more.

Reviewer: Amy Rose Holstead

Reviewed: 26th August 2023

North West End UK Rating:

Rating: 4 out of 5.
Amy Holstead

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