Sadlers Wells

Shifting Perspective, Breaking Boundaries: Introducing Unbound Dance Theatre

A brand-new dance company launches in Leeds, created to break down barriers and nurture a dance culture where everyone feels…

1 year ago

Balletboyz: England on Fire – Sadlers Wells

Based on the book, England on Fire by Stephen Ellcock and Matt Osman, this sizzling production brings England’s eclectic past…

1 year ago

Sadlers Wells Breakin’ Convention 2023 – Birmingham Hippodrome

A smorgasbord of hip-hoppery whooped and hooted and hollered and exploded on the stage of the Birmingham Hippodrome last night…

2 years ago

Jasmin Vardimon Company: ALiCE – Sadlers Wells

Jasmin Vardimon Company's modern retelling of 'Alice' is arresting, illuminating and inspiring. As you settle into the auditorium, there is…

2 years ago

A Night at the Kabuki – Sadlers Wells

The description of Hideki Noda’s ‘A Night at the Kabuki’ sets the tone for the production itself. The classic tale…

2 years ago