Mother Goose

Mother Goose – The Lowry

Most people are introduced to the world of live theatre through the medium of pantomime, my own 1970's childhood is…

1 year ago

Mother Goose – Liverpool Empire

A special show. For obvious celebrity reasons, this panto was a sell-out, and it met all expectations. This show really…

1 year ago

Mother Goose – Wolverhampton Grand

Sir Ian, Sir Ian, Sir Ian is a game old dame bounding on stage in frock after frock of increasing…

1 year ago

Mother Goose – Sheffield Lyceum

“A panto? In February!” was my first reaction to being invited to Mother Goose. But yes, a panto. And what’s…

1 year ago

Mother Goose – Hackney Empire

Mother Goose feels like that glass of mulled wine on a cold Christmassy evening. It has the rounded flavours, tastiest…

2 years ago