Everything can change in a moment, sometimes to devastating effect. Demonstrating that is the ambition of ‘One Punch’, a unique…
This clumsy interpretation of the classic seasonal flick presents itself more as a school play than an actual musical. Forgettable…
This moving and entertaining piece follows the inner life of Peter, a man living with cerebral palsy, and his companion…
A new musical inspired by the nationwide societal impacts of Section 28, After the Act continues its winter tour with…
Where do you go when the unbearable becomes persistent? This is just one of the initial questions asked by Khalid…
While you might not think Judo and racism are the easiest go-tos for a (sort-of) one-woman show, Jenni Jackson’s expert…
It seems somehow apposite that this play about the last meeting of Paul McCartney and John Lennon should be staged…
Have you every stopped to wonder what would happen to you if you dumped your smart phone? No more WhatsApp…
Rifco Theatre Company delivers two and a half hours of delightful entertaining theatre with this enjoyable show; with comedic stereotypical…
Supported by Arts Council, England and Derby Theatre, Tender emerged as the new production for Phosphoros Theatre, a London based…