Esther Richardson

Pilot Theatre’s new play with music Mary and the Hyenas tells the story of a pioneering feministPilot Theatre’s new play with music Mary and the Hyenas tells the story of a pioneering feminist

Pilot Theatre’s new play with music Mary and the Hyenas tells the story of a pioneering feminist

Pilot Theatre usually offer their audience plays with a contemporary cutting edge, but this time for Mary and the Hyenas…

2 months ago
Expendable – The Royal CourtExpendable – The Royal Court

Expendable – The Royal Court

Emteaz Hussain's ‘Expendable’ bravely tackles the harrowing realities of fear, misogyny, and the fractures within communities targeted by media and…

4 months ago
Pilot Theatre’s Esther Richardson talks about their new stage production of A Song for Ella GreyPilot Theatre’s Esther Richardson talks about their new stage production of A Song for Ella Grey

Pilot Theatre’s Esther Richardson talks about their new stage production of A Song for Ella Grey

Pilot Theatre have become of the UK’s leading companies making challenging work for younger audiences, and after their success with…

1 year ago
Full casting announced for national tour of Malorie Blackman’s Noughts & CrossesFull casting announced for national tour of Malorie Blackman’s Noughts & Crosses

Full casting announced for national tour of Malorie Blackman’s Noughts & Crosses

Pilot Theatre has announced the casting for their tour of Sabrina Mahfouz’s adaptation of Malorie Blackman’s best-selling young adult novel…

3 years ago
Pilot Theatre’s Esther Richardson talks their new production The Bone SparrowPilot Theatre’s Esther Richardson talks their new production The Bone Sparrow

Pilot Theatre’s Esther Richardson talks their new production The Bone Sparrow

Pilot Theatre has adapted Zana Fraillon’s The Bone Sparrow for a timely national tour telling the tale of a Rohingya…

3 years ago
Pilot Theatre announce a national tour of The Bone SparrowPilot Theatre announce a national tour of The Bone Sparrow

Pilot Theatre announce a national tour of The Bone Sparrow

Pilot Theatre have adapted Zana Fraillon’s The Bone Sparrow about a Rohingya refugee boy who has spent his entire life…

3 years ago