You know when you get that box of chocolates, and you love them all and cannot chose which is your favourite – that’s what watching this performance was like. The cast of the Centenary Theatre Company put on such a spectacular performance that for every song they delivered either as an ensemble or as solo performances they made it impossible to pick a favourite – now that is a rarity in musical theatre!
The Centenary cast opened their third instalment in the Strictly franchise with a bang. The director Dan Groes had designed the performance as 5 showcases, transporting the audience to different genres of the world of music.
The cast covered the Golden Years of MGM, songs from screen to stage, animated musicals, musicals from books and finally musicals that had earned Oscars. Each journey opened with montaged clips from all shows welcoming us to the spectacular interpretation that lay ahead – what a stroke of genius!
The music was in the very talented hands of musical director Simon Pickup and having a phenomenal orchestra to carry us through every one of these classical songs, made the theatre in Runcorn feel more like the London Palladium!
And so, to the show – the opening number from Kiss Me Kate – “Another Opening’, Another Show” was a blast of colour, energy, and great chorography (thanks to the hard work of 6 amazing choreographers) at getting us all in the mood for what we anticipated would be an incredible evening of inspirational talent. As song followed song, we were not disappointed – the talent on that stage was absolutely mind – blowing! There were heart rendering solos, classical duets, jaw-dropping ensemble pieces and an injection of musical magic, that I have never seen before in all my years seeing musical theatre. I adored the array of bright colours that the cast wore and the impressive costumes for the solos and duet numbers, it brought the nostalgia and elegance of old Broadway to the stage – right before us.
In another stroke of genius Centenary Theatre Group had involved the amazing talent of The First Act ensemble to bring the songs from animated films to life on stage – they did not disappoint, and their young years did not hamper their sublime talent, extraordinary singing and dancing abilities and their passionate gusto– great work Kit Phillips and Ceris Shadwell for this amazing ensemble.
Yes naming people, this was difficult for this show, as although I would like to give additional credit to some of the cast the programme did not name the individual performers, which in a way is a credit to the cast as they are definitely a team, which shone in every single aspect of the show- their talent was entrenched in the group as a whole which was tangible to see and feel.
Every cast member had the opportunity to sing or perform, regardless of age and I feel that this is an aspect of centenary that they are most proud. They are such an inclusive company which is a joy to see. Everyone on that stage was enjoying every minute as were we, the audience, embracing every minute.
So, to the numbers – wow! The energy and faultless chorography from each cast member in “The Trolley song”, “Macavity” , Master of the house” and “I got rhythm” made us dance in our seats; the solos of “As if we never said goodbye”, “Reviewing the situation” and “Don’t cry for me Argentina “left us in jaw-dropping awe and the duets “ I remember it well” Anything you can do” and “Well did you Evah!” – left us with a warm nostalgic glow.
I honestly say that every single person on that stage – the Centenary and First Act cast, the orchestra members and those behind the scenes watching this incredible show gave this performance 110%. It was absolutely stunning and for that I found this show faultless and state categorically that it deserves 5/5!
I urge everyone reading this review to watch this show. It is so rare that you get the opportunity to see such inspirational and unforgettable talent in a local theatre.
This is a smorgasbord of delightful entertainment – a must see!
Performance date Thursday 18th May – Saturday 20th May. Performance times 7.30pm and 2pm (Saturday only), Tickets full price from £22.
Reviewer: Jan Mellor
Reviewed: 18th May 2023
North West End UK Rating:
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