
Pericles – Riverside Studios

Flute Theatre’s Pericles begins with a hushed stage as the performers sit quietly on benches facing the audience. The sombre silence borders on ritualistic as we wait for the drama to unfold. The story begins in King Antiochus’ palace. When Pericles finds out about the incest within the kingdom, Antiochus sends someone to kill him. Pericles’ flight starts a long voyage through which he falls in love but then endures several tragedies.

Flute Theatre specialises in staging productions of Shakespeare for autistic individuals. Scenes are cleverly brought to life with impressive movement direction and choreography by Juan Sanchez Plaza. This made the play visually captivating, and the masterfully seamless transitions kept it light and dynamic.

With strong physicality and emotive expression from all performers, it was easy to grasp the meaning and it made the convoluted plot accessible. The characters were eccentric, from corrupt pirates to revelling royals and the actors had a strong focus as individuals and as the ensemble. A particularly truthful performance is given by Natasha Haward who plays Queen Tyre and Marina, her daughter. Kelly Hunter’s direction heightens the joy in celebration as well as the despair in the play.

The interweaving of live instruments and storytelling has the perfect synergy as they complement and respond to each other. Along with the music, Alice Hallifax’ set design creates the feel of ancient Middle East with mauve fabric draped above the stage suggesting rough seas and village tents. The benches and performers on stage create a communal feel and the sandy coloured and rich red costumes all tie together.

Reviewer: Riana Howarth

Reviewed: 9th November 2022

North West End UK Rating: ★★★★

Riana Howarth

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