South East

Home, I’m Darling – Frinton Summer Theatre

‘I’m disgracefully happy,’ said Johnny, grinning like a cheesy dad from the ads. But it was a lie. And so,…

2 years ago

A Bunch of Amateurs – Frinton Summer Theatre

In a world where everything is so complicated and heavy with subtext, there’s something to be said of a play…

2 years ago

Ghosts of the Titanic – Frinton Summer Theatre

What do you do when the ‘unsinkable’ sinks? The Titanic sank 110 years ago, but ‘Ghosts of the Titanic’ presents…

2 years ago

Ladies in Lavender – Frinton Summer Theatre

To any newbie visiting Frinton Summer Theatre for the first time there are some particularly quaint English traditions that will…

2 years ago

Tell me on a Sunday – Frinton Summer Theatre

Tell me on a Sunday may be the smallest musical Andrew Lloyd Webber has ever written, but as a one-woman…

3 years ago

An Evening with Professor von Goosechaser – Brighton Fringe

An Evening with Professor von Goosechaser, written and performed by Adam Nightingale, is a mock lecture on the complex field…

3 years ago

Devil’s Food Cake – Brighton Fringe

Devil’s Food Cake, written and directed by Marcia Kelson, is a dark and emotional drama, written for online performance, which…

3 years ago

Shakespeare (She/Her) – Brighton Fringe

Three Chairs and a Hat’s Shakespeare’s (She/Her), directed by Wayne T Brown, is a short collection of Shakespearean monologues and…

3 years ago

The Old House – Brighton Fringe

Written and performed by Kate Maravan, ‘The Old House’, was inspired by her own experience of coming to terms with…

3 years ago

Nevergreen – Brighton Fringe

The wonderful’s Nevergreen, written by Gus Mitchell and directed by Eloise Poulton, is a hypnotising and beautiful online show, that…

3 years ago