Written by Donna M Day Directed by Andrew Lee & Donna M Day Produced by Paul Downham Performed by… Home Schooling by Mark Davoren Directed by Rebecca Casey Produced by Paul Downham Introducing Yazmin Walker
In the same way the Avengers assemble to fight baddies a crack squad of Josephs have come together to perform…
Given we made two appeals for government support for theatres to survive beyond the pandemic it would be churlish not…
Try as it might theatre all too often gets working class culture badly wrong unless it is created by people…
In these times of no live theatre performance (apart from digital alternatives), Fringe theatre has been badly affected. With no…
Today I received an email from a publisher saying that while the theatres are dark it’s an ideal time to…
On 11th May as part of Bloomsbury Academic and Stage-ed, I had the pleasure of being involved in a Q&A…
In the second part of an interview with Pitlochry Festival Theatre Artistic Director Elizabeth Newman our Features Editor Paul Clarke…